Faculty of Fashion & Design Sports-Football

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Playing regular sports helps improving the mental and physical health. Football is a sport which enhances numerous health benefits. To play this sport, we require just an open area, a ball and two teams. It involves kicking the ball to score a goal. There is a clearly defined area where the game has to be played. Players are required to move the ball by kicking only and the goalkeeper defends the goal from the opposing teams. The combination of running, walking, sprinting and kicking brings the benefits like increased stamina, reduced body fat, improved muscle strength and tone, increased bone strength and improved coordination.

Therefore, Faculty of Fashion & Design organized the game of football on Friday, 17th January 2020. There were 4 teams and every team had 7 players. The number of matches played was 3 and the duration was 20 minutes for each match.

The opening match was played between the team of 1st years and 2nd years. The team of 1st years won and they played with the team of 3rd years. Second match was also won by the team of 1st years and they played with faculty members. The final match was won by the team of faculty members.

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