Motivational Speech – “Fashion Avenues”

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Faculty of fashion & design conducted a motivational speech on “Fashion Avenues” on 23rd November, 2017. Mr. Saurabh Kalra, eminent speaker deeply motivated the fashion students through the value able topics i.e. “Fashion Avenues”. His talk was open their ears towards the numerous fashion opportunities in the fashion industry such as, fashion designer, merchandiser, quality assurance manager, illustrator, accessory designers, production manager, fashion coordinator, stylist, trend setter, fashion photography, modeling, pattern and silhouettes creator, fabricator, sampling coordinator etc. Mr. Kalra suggested the students to learn the technical parts as well as gain to knowledge of practical performance.

He specially indicated that SGT-FFD is having advanced infrastructure and great thoughts to raise as high. This platform is an opportunity for the new budding fashion students to utilize promptly. The speaker was owner with memento & gratitude from the side of new budding designers of FFD.